quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2008

Episode 7 - The Gates Of Avalon

Arthur and Merlin save a young woman and her father from a band of brigands. Arthur becomes quite besotted with the young girl, Sophia, and offers them refuge in Camelot. However, it's not just Merlin who is suspicious of the new arrivals- Morgana awakes from a nightmare about Arthur's death at the hands of a beautiful young woman to find Sophia is the girl in the nightmare...

Writer: Ben Vanstone
Director: Jeremy Webb
Bradley James (II) (Prince Arthur)
Katie McGrath (Morgana)
Angel Coulby (Gwen (Guinevere)
Anthony Stewart Head (King Uther Pendragon)
Richard Wilson (Gaius)
Colin Morgan (Merlin)
Recurring Role: John Hurt (Voice of the Great Dragon)
Guest Star:
Michael Jenn (Sidhe Elder)
Holly Grainger (Sophia)
Kenneth Cranham (Aulfric)
Ben Adams (Bandit)

Download Link:

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Please please please put up episode 3-7!!! I'm begging you!

Estou A Anhar disse...

So sorry for taking this long...
All episodes are uploaded.

Enjoy ;)

Anónimo disse...

Thank you!!